
Author Archives: staff

Toothbrush head size


Toothbrush Head Size
Our recommendation for toothbrush size would be to choose the smaller one. With larger brushes, there is a tendency to brush in large strokes to cover as many teeth as possible at once, however with a smaller brush you can focus on brushing one tooth at a time allowing you to carefully brush areas where plaque tends to accumulate.



At our clinic, Ci Assist toothbrushes, which have the recommended small heads are available for purchase. They are available in 4 colors which make it easy to distinguish for family members. For those interested, please do not hesitate to inquire at our reception desk.

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:コラム

How to choose a toothbrush



For this post, we would like to introduce important points regarding the toothbrush.
There are many different types of toothbrushes available in the market these days and so you may be wondering which type is best for you. In the following series, we will be identifying various types.


First off, the main purpose of brushing teeth is to remove plaque. Next, it is also important to understand the characteristics of your teeth so that your toothbrush can reach the areas where plaque is most likely to accumulate.


Plaque is the build-up of bacteria that has a color similar to teeth, so although it may not be visible, if you are not careful to brush it away, it will remain on your teeth and turn into tartar. The gaps between the teeth, the areas between the gums and teeth, and the surfaces of the teeth are the areas where plaque tends to accumulate. As not all teeth grow straight, we recommend using a toothbrush to brush areas where the bite is misaligned or the areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush.


Toothbrushes come in a variety of types, which include brush harness, shape, size, and handle shape. You can maintain your oral health by using a toothbrush that fits your requirements. For the next post, we will explain important points to consider when choosing a toothbrush.

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:コラム

Schedule NOTICE




Notice of October Schedule Changes
October 6 (Fri): Dr. Minami will participate in the Kojimachi Dental Association meeting so the clinic will close at 17:30.
October 7 (Sat): Due to a conference in Osaka, the last appointment for the day will be at 14:00

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:お知らせ



This month, our clinic is celebrating Halloween with various decorations throughout the clinic.



The next time you drop by, please have a look around.





As the season is changing and the weather gets cooler, be sure to take care of your overall health.

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:コラム

NEW Hand Soap


Our clinic received this lovely hand soap and cream set as a gift from one of our patient🌸


For those who may feel nervous or anxious visiting the dentist, the calming scent of the hand soap and cream will help with the nerves and anxiety.


At our clinic, the top priority is not only to provide dental care, but to keep in mind the overall well-being of our patients.

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:コラム

October Schedule Notice





午後はアメリカ大使館の宿舎内にあるMitsui Gardens International Preschoolにて院長の南が検診を行います🦷




October Schedule Notice
We will be closed on the 9th, which is a Japanese holiday, and on the 19th.

Instead, the clinic will be open on the 11th and 18th. However, on the 11th, office hours will be until 1 p.m. as Dr. Minami will be visiting the Mitsui Gardens International Preschool from the afternoon for consultations.

Our clinic Implant Specialist, Dr. Homma will be treating patients on the 18th and our Orthodontic Specialist, Dr. Morita will be available for free consultations on the 17th.

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:お知らせ

Mouthguard cleaning spray


For this post, we would like to showcase a spray used specifically for a mouthpiece.



This spray is simply applied directly to the mouthpiece, and it will then disinfect and clean the mouthpiece. The bottle contains 130ml, so the size is just right to carry around on the go. The spray has a fresh medical herb flavor, so it can be applied before and after wearing the mouthpiece.



Bacteria build-up on a mouthpiece can lead to issues such as bad breath, cavities, and periodontal disease. Just as it is important to brush your teeth daily, cleaning your mouthpiece daily is the same.




Those who are interested in the spray, or the customized night guard mouthpiece which we can produce here at our clinic, please feel free to contact us anytime.



© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:コラム




Have you ever suffered migraines or a sore jaw due to grinding and clenching of your teeth during your sleep? At our clinic, we can create a custom night guard mouthpiece in approximately one week. By using his night guard while you sleep, it will help you ease the grinding and clenching of your teeth.


The force exerted when grinding or clenching your teeth is extremely strong and can be 2-5 times that of your own body weight. Such strong pressure will not only cause migraines and jaw soreness, but the strong grinding can also cause your teeth to wear down, leading to other issues such as pain and stinging of your teeth.


By using a night guard and keeping your jaw slightly opened, you can maintain a relaxed state when your mouth is closed.


The process of creating a custom night guard is quite simple. First, a mold of your teeth will be taken and approximately one week later the mouthpiece will be completed. Necessary adjustments will then be made and instructions on using and caring for the night guard will be provided. A special case and cleaning products can be purchased as well.


For those interested, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:コラム

New Logo Mat


At the entrance of our clinic, a floor mat bearing our logo has been placed.


The design of our logo is based on an image of a smile because that is exactly what we can to help our patients attain a beautiful and healthy smile. The floor mat is located just outside the elevator, please be sure to check it out on your next visit.



In addition to the mat, you can find our logo from outside the building displayed on the windows of the third floor.


We hope that his logo will become more recognized within the community and that we will be able to bring out more smiles from patients.

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:コラム


今回は、当院でも販売している歯科専売洗口液「モンダミン ハビットプロ」のご紹介です。

For this post, we would like to introduce the dental mouthwash “Mondahmin Habit Pro” which can only be purchased at dental clinics including ours.


Many have the image of mouthwashes as being unbearably strong. However, Habit Pro does not contain alcohol therefore it is a much less irritating mouthwash. Even children can use it without feeling unpleasant. Although the mouthwash may not be as strong and irritating, it still has a natural mint flavor that will leave your mouth feeling refreshed. There is no need to dilute the mouthwash, and the cap of the bottle also serves as a convenient measuring cup.






There are 3 medical agents that are contained in the mouthwash:

CPC… A clinically proven germ-killing agent used to fight germs in your mouth.
GK2… An anti-inflammatory agent that prevents swelling and inflammation of the gums.
TXA… An agent that controls bleeding in the gums which is caused by gingivitis.




Brushing your teeth is a habit which I’m sure everyone does every day; however, how many people realize that the teeth only occupy approximately 25% of your oral cavity? In fact, stains that cannot be removed by brushing alone, may be removed using mouthwash. It can be used by those with implants and those undergoing orthodontic treatment, so if you are interested, feel free to let us know.

© 麹町の歯医者|MYデンタルオフィス麹町

日付:  カテゴリ:コラム

9:30-19:00 ⚫︎ ⚫︎ ▲ ⚫︎ ⚫︎ ★ ▲

土曜は16時まで ※時間外の診療もご相談に応じます。





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