Toothbrush Hardness
There are typically 3 types of bristle hardness for toothbrushes that are available at stores: soft, medium, and hard bristles. Our recommendation would be to use a medium bristle toothbrush, except for those with weakened gums. For those using a soft bristle toothbrush, with careful brushing, your gums will eventually become firmer and will have the tendency to bleed less. At that point it is recommended to switch to a medium bristle toothbrush.
Soft bristle brushes are best utilized to massage the gums. Massaging the gums improves blood circulation, which then brings oxygen and nutrients into your gums. This allows cells to regenerate and repair gums that are damaged due to gingivitis and increases resistance to periodontal disease. In addition, it also stimulates the oral cavity and promotes saliva secretion, which then prevents bad breath and has a self-cleaning effect which prevents cavities. This type of care can be incorporated into your daily dental routine, so please give it a try. When doing so, be sure to use a soft bristle toothbrush and be careful not to damage your gums.
日付: 2023年10月28日 カテゴリ:コラム