Are you familiar with PMTC Cleaning?
Professional Mechanical Tooth Cleaningの略で、歯科医師や歯科衛生士による専門的なクリーニングです。PMTCの流れは、汚れの除去➡表面の研磨➡フロス➡トリートメント➡フッ素塗布となります。それぞれの工程にこだわりを持ち、「PMTC」とひとまとめに言っても、様々な効果が期待できるクリーニングとなっています。
An abbreviation for “Professional Mechanical Tooth Cleaning,” it is the special type of cleaning performed by dentists and oral hygienists.
The process of PMTC consists of removing stains ▶︎ surface polishing ▶︎ dental flossing▶︎ treatment application ▶︎ fluorine coating. Each step of the process has a particular purpose so that collectively, you can expect that “PMTC” cleanings will have noticeable results.
Our clinic utilizes a special device called Airflow to remove discoloration and stains on the surface of teeth.
The patient in this photo had a PMTC cleaning performed which was the first cleaning in over 10 years.
The appearance of the teeth became noticeable whiter, and the surface is much smoother. By maintaining a smooth surface, you can create an oral environment which prevents cavities and bacterial build-up.
日付: 2023年7月27日 カテゴリ:コラム