For this post, we would like to introduce important points regarding the toothbrush.
There are many different types of toothbrushes available in the market these days and so you may be wondering which type is best for you. In the following series, we will be identifying various types.
First off, the main purpose of brushing teeth is to remove plaque. Next, it is also important to understand the characteristics of your teeth so that your toothbrush can reach the areas where plaque is most likely to accumulate.
Plaque is the build-up of bacteria that has a color similar to teeth, so although it may not be visible, if you are not careful to brush it away, it will remain on your teeth and turn into tartar. The gaps between the teeth, the areas between the gums and teeth, and the surfaces of the teeth are the areas where plaque tends to accumulate. As not all teeth grow straight, we recommend using a toothbrush to brush areas where the bite is misaligned or the areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush.
Toothbrushes come in a variety of types, which include brush harness, shape, size, and handle shape. You can maintain your oral health by using a toothbrush that fits your requirements. For the next post, we will explain important points to consider when choosing a toothbrush.
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日付: 2023年10月5日 カテゴリ:コラム